I miscarry or
I give birth prematurely
Do any of these situations apply to you?
- I have already have had two missed abortions (delayed miscarriages), or I have miscarried
- I have delivered a child before completed Week 37
- I have delivered a dead foetus
- I have delivered a foetus with genetic defects or a child with a developmental disorder
- My new partner has had repeated miscarriages with his previous partner
- I have been diagnosed with a cardiolipin or antiphospholipid syndrome
- I am aware of having a developmental uterine anomaly
- one of us has undergone a radiation or cytostatic tteatment; I use medicine incompatible with pregnancy
- My maternity medical history contains repeated pregnancy failures
- I have had preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy
- I have decompensated thyroid function
What is the point of contacting the doctor?
The reason for making an appointment with the doctor is to assess the risk factors involved in conception and during the course of your pregnancy, search for the causes of repeated miscarriage or reasons for premature birth. The doctor will usually recommend that conditions before conception are modified, and will use his/her experience with pregnancy supporting medicine. If the cause is a finding in a karyotype of one of the partners, the doctor will recommend IVF together with an examination of embryo karyotypes.
Before making an appointment, please have ready your
- date of birth
- contact phone number
- e-mail address
- date of the start of your last menstruation
What you should know:
Your communication over the phone or by e-mail will be with your IVF coordinator, who will be your guide and first point of contact during your visits to the ARLETA clinic.
The inability to maintain pregnancy is a problem of the couple, so we expect that both of you will participate in the preliminary examination.
We do not require any recommendation from your gynaecologist, but we do recommend that you inform him/her, since you will remain in their preventive care and we will need their cooperation.
Bring with you all your written records and results relating to your health.
If you suffer from a chronic disease, we advise that you get a specialist’s statement regarding your future pregnancy.
Currently, we are able to offer your first appointment within 3 to 6 weeks after your first contact.

Why a questionnaire?
- Based on the filled-in information, the doctor will draw up some working hypotheses before your first appointment.
- Targeted questions during the interview will help particularise responsible factors and make the diagnosis of repeated miscarriage or premature birth more accurate.
- Details and observations from your previous life may also be important in revealing the problem.
- Remember that treatment based on the cause is the most effective.
Interview with the doctor
Why is it important to talk about the problem?
- During the appointment, an intimate relationship is created between the doctor and the couple; this relationship should be open and empathic on both sides.
- Every problem has its “story” and the doctor has the ability to assess the important moments of your life that could be exercising a decisive influence on your current fertility problem.
- The doctor may express his/her first working hypotheses at the end of the first appointment, which then must be verified by diagnostic tests.
- Be prepared for the fact that we will be interested in your family background, relationships with previous partners, children, parents and also speak about your life plans, what you have succeeded in or failed to achieve in your life.
- For our foreign clients we offer consultations with a doctor via Skype. The conditions for such interview are identical to those during a personal appointment.
Diagnostic methods
Which specialist examinations are included in your first appointment?
- gynaecological examination, colposcopy
- vaginal ultrasound scan
- vaginal ultrasound scan
- semen analysis
- hormonal profile
- laboratory investigation into habitual spontaneous abortion
- comprehensive genetic screening
Which examinations may be recommended by the doctor after the first appointment?
- genetic examination of the infertile couple
- outpatient mini-hysteroscopy, including removal of fibroids, polyps and adhesions or to interrupt uterine septum
- surgical laparoscopy to remove closed tubes, myomas, endometrioses or to correct uterine anomalies
- imunological examination of the infertile couple
- endocrinological examination in the case of thyroid disorder or adrenogenital syndrome
- haematological examination in the case of suspected thrombophilia
Description of treatment methods
- Conservative procedure – so-called empirical therapy – pharmacological support developed according to evidence-based medicine.
- In vitro fertilisation – in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer IVF ET combined with PGS embryo genetic examination, PDG and karyomapping, while at the same time creating maximally favourable conditions for the embryo transfer and nesting, followed by pharmacological support of the pregnancy developed according to evidence-based medicine.
Who will participate in your treatment and how?
- The ARLETA team has clearly defined rules and roles for particular employees and departments.
- You will meet individual employees in this logically arranged team as you progress through the ARLETA Reproductive Health Centre.
After identifying the causes of your problem, the doctor indicates one or more treatment options and together with your IVF coordinator you will choose the one that best suits your wishes. The doctor will also give you the prognosis of particular treatment options in terms of the percentage of success.
The IVF coordinator will explain in detail the principles of treatment and the step-by-step schedule, and draw up a price offer for the respective treatment options. He/She will also take care of payments or issue an invoice, plan your follow-up appointments, look after you and your family members in the waiting room, help to organise your arrival at the surgery and bring you to the scrub nurse for surgery.
A nurse will administer medication to prepare and stimulate you and your coordinator will advise on their application, dosage and explain possible effects on your body.
The embryologist will acquaint you with the quantity, maturity and quality of your eggs and sperm after they have been acquired. He/she will explain standard and specialist laboratory procedures. The coordinator will inform you about fertilisation success and assess embryos during cultivation up to the embryo transfer. He/she will discuss the quantity of embryos suitable for transfer and freezing, inform you about the quantity of bioopted embryos and their release for embryo transfer.
The doctor, embryologist and coordinator interpret the results of the embryo quality after thawing, the results of the preimplantation genetic analysis, and together they select the most suitable embryos for transfer.
How much will you pay for the whole treatment?
- You will be told the final price of your treatment plan in advance.
- To better understand the price, we have prepared a list of items included in the treatment that may apply to you.
- If you select a laboratory package of methods, the embryologist will use in this particular case all procedures that may increase the probability of success based on his/her experience.
- Your IVF coordinator will explain all items to you and inform you about their price.
Before treatment starts, an advance payment must be made. The amount will depend on the selected treatment. The balance is paid up when clients arrive at our clinic for treatment.
Standard methods | |
Stimulation medicine | 960 EUR |
IVF treatment and laboratory basics | 1400 EUR |
Laboratory package of methods | 1790 EUR |
Embryo cryopreservation | from 480 EUR* |
Non-standard methods | |
Sperm donor costs | 250 EUR |
Egg donor costs | 1500 EUR |
Sperm cryopreservation | 280 EUR |
Trophoblast biopsy | 890 EUR |
PGS, PGD, karyomapping | from 960 EUR** |
Embryo thawing & transfer | 1000 EUR |
Price of the treatment starting from | 4690 EUR |
*price for embryo cryopreservation into the first two straws
**price for PGD of 2 embryo (the final price depends on the chosen method of genetic testing and the number of embryos being examinated)
Success rate
Is it really possible for me to carry a healthy baby to term? What guarantee do I have?
- First of all, we do not promise you 100% success and we are sincerely sorry that we cannot help all our clients every time.
- However, we believe that thanks to our individual approach to each couple we are able to get the best possible results. We support taking an active approach, and we do not agree with those who just cross their fingers and hope that: “Maybe one day you’ll carry your child to term.”
- The success rate depends on the age of the woman, infertility factors, the quantity and quality of inserted embryos, transfer timing, and also on the ability of the endometrium to accept the embryo.
- Preimplantation embryo analysis increases the probability of success by up to 25%..
What follows after a positive pregnancy test once the transfer has taken place?
- Congratulations, a positive pregnancy test is the first condition for you to give birth to a child; however, we know that you are not out of the woods yet.
- We have extensive experience with effectively supporting pregnancy in women who have had repeated miscarriages.
- Care for pregnant women in their first trimester after IVF has its rules that must be respected, plus the pregnancy is regarded as risky until it is hormonally controlled by the placenta in Week 11.
Pregnancy is pharmacologically supported from our side till Week 13; after which you are completely in hands of your gynaecologist.
What if I start bleeding and/or the urine pregnancy test is negative, or if I miscarry again?
- The ARLETA team is capable of handling this upsetting situation and offering the support you need; unfortunately, we have been through this many times.
- We are confident that you will feel the benefits of our support, we will never tell you to give up, even if the chance of success is minimal.
- We will clearly and rationally explain to you in theory why the treatment failed, we will identify the most probable cause of failure and propose how to eliminate it before your next treatment.
- A repeated miscarriage despite performing an examination of the preimplantation embryo means refocusing on other causes of the inability to maintain pregnancy.
- It may surprise you, but we are also able to openly admit if we have made a mistake or have been wrong.
- Upon request, we will draw up a critical written analysis with a proposal for a further diagnosis and treatment procedure.