IVF treatment
In-vitro fertilization is a common infertility treatment which helps many couples to start a family every day. When the couple tries to conceive for more than 12 months without success it is time to contact experts.
Time schedule for the IVF OWN EGGS treatment
number of visits: 2
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3-4 weeks
First visit

1-2 month Planning of treatment, ovarian stimulation
Second visit

5 days

Time schedule for the IVF OWN EGGS treatment with preimplantation genetic testing of embryos
number of visits: 3
Contact us

3-4 weeks
First visit

1-2 month Planning of treatment, ovarian stimulation
Second visit

5 days

1-2 month
Third visit

The first visit 
- Arrival of either both clients or the female client only.
- Payment of the advance payment of EUR 1500 for the treatment in cash, by card or on-line.
- The female client leaves with stimulating medication.
- In certain cases it is possible to execute the first consultation on-line via Skype and the female client is subsequently sent the medication by post. Skype consultation is free of charge.
- It is also possible for the male client to come alone to get his semen frozen and used on the day of oocyte pick-up.
Ultrasound check-up
- During stimulation it is necessary to perform sonography (ultrasound foliculometry and endometrium measurement), based on which the day for the oocyte pick-up is determined.
- This examination is usually performed in the country of the clients’ residence. Alternatively, it is possible to perform these examinations at the Arleta clinic.
The second visit
- The oocyte pick-up is performed under short general anesthesia together with the collection of the semen unless the male partner’s semen has already been frozen.
- The clients stay here for a period of 5 days until the transfer of a fresh embryo is executed.
- In the case of the preimplantation genetic testing of embryos, the clients leave the clinic after the oocyte pick-up and the transfer of the thawed embryo is not executed before the results of the genetic testing are known.
- The payment of the remaining part of the price for the treatment and cryopreservation of redundant embryos.
*The second visit can be cancelled on the grounds of an inappropriately prepared endometrium, the low quality of embryos, disease or an obstacle preventing the clients from coming for the scheduled transfer.
IVF Coordinator 
- The IVF Coordinator communicates with the clients over the entire period of treatment.
- The IVF Coordinator provides the clients with all necessary information and ensures every comfort, starting with the first contact until the positive pregnancy test, including ensuring air tickets, accommodation in a hotel, transport to the clinic and, if the clients are interested, recommendations concerning cultural events on site.
- The IVF Coordinator also arranges for the clients’ contact with physicians and other medical staff.
- The first consultation with the specialist is free of charge.
- Prior to the beginning of the treatment, the clients pay an advance payment of EUR 1500.
- The price of the entire treatment – the IVF OWN EGGS package is EUR 4150.